Tile Cement

BBD $25.00

44 lbs

Colour: Off White

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BBD $25.00

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Recommended Uses

  • Use with marble, granite, natural stone and ceramic tile of medium to high water absorption.
  • Recommended Substrates: mortar bed, concrete (cured for 28 days), cement backer board.
  • Interior and/or exterior use in residential and commercial areas with light to heavy traffic.
  • Meets and exceeds ANSI 118.1 when mixed with water

Mixing Procedure

  1. Pour into a clean container approximately 6 litres of clean water
  2. Add a bag of unitile gradually; mix until you obtain a smooth and homogeneous paste preventing lumps. Let rest mix between 10 to 15 min.

Application Procedure

Use the proper notched trowel

Limitations On Use

  • Not applied on wood, asphalt, metal surfaces or similar materials that are dimensionally unstable
  • Not used at temperatures below 5 °C or green marble