Quartz Countertop QZ840

BBD $484.80

Premium Countertop

Includes Matching Backsplash Size: 4″ x 8ft x 18mm thick

Size: 26″ x 8ft x 18mm thick

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  • Highly durable. When it comes to natural stones, there are only three that are harder than quartz and none of them is used for countertops: topaz, sapphire, and diamond.
  • Resistant to wear and tear, chipping, scratches, and cracking (unless exposed to extreme weight and blunt force, especially when it comes to thinner countertops). Quartz is also resistant to heat, although extreme heat can damage it (so it is advisable not to place hot pots and pans on the surface directly from the stove).
  • Non-porous. Unlike granite, marble and concrete, quartz countertops don’t stain when put in touch with oil, coffee, wine, tomato juice and similar liquids that are common in the kitchen. Non-porous also means more hygienic as the surface doesn’t attract or retain bacteria.
  • Low maintenance. Quartz countertops can be cleaned by just mixing water and vinegar with dish detergent or dish detergent and baking soda. No solvents or alcohol-based products.
Dimensions 96 × 26 in


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